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Kamis, 29 Desember 2016


Before we start, I assume you know how to use IDM other than clicking that little blue IDM button on your browser. Also basic browser operation.

1. Go to your google drive file, click download, blablabla...

2. If it downloads using your browser downloader, continue to step three. If it's downloading using IDM then what the hell are you  even doing here. If it's ain't downloading maybe your internet ain't working or whatever I don't know.

3. For mozilla and chrome, tapi CTRL + J... in case you don't understand, hold that CTRL button on your keyboard then tap the J key. It will (should) open the download window (for mozilla) or tab (for chrome). For other browsers I don't know.

4. There should be something downloading. Stop it. Copy the download link.

5. Open IDM, click ADD URL, paste the link there and start the download.

6. I don't know what it depends on but sometimes it will download the file you want. Some other times it will instead download a .htm file. If ya got the .htm file, open it.

7. It will then lead you to gmail log in page. Log in using an ID at your disposal (read: your ID or anyone's).

8. It should then start another download. Got to your browser's download again, stop that unreliable download, copy the link and paste it to IDM.

Now IDM should be downloading the file you want. Congrats!

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